Week 3: Thoughts on Google Translate

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The current capability for a camera to recognize text in one language and automatically translate to another is a major advancement in technology. This could theoretically allow a user to be reading a book in a foreign language as if it were native. The fact that foreign words are superimposed by text from a recognized language is extremely powerful and effective.
If this technology were to be adapted to run on a on a pair of AR glasses or contact lenses, the world could be changed immensely. Potentially, a user wearing a pair of AR glasses in a foreign country would gain the ability to navigate that country with relative ease. As with most concepts, this ability would undoubtedly come with pros and cons.
Pros: There are many pros that this technology could offer an individual. For example, a potential user in a foreign country would be able to read signs for various shops, informational pamphlets, and locations while avoiding the entire process of asking native citizens for assistance. For example, if the user were to buy a box of hair dye in another country, they would be able to read the instructions on the back of the box without speaking the language in which it is written. Likewise, if the user were to visit a museum, information describing displayed objects would be easily understandable. This would allow the user the ability to immerse themselves with another culture and read information that would previously be available only through something like an audio book or a translator. This technology could potentially eliminate the written language barrier for travelers.
Cons: While this